What is a VPN and how does it keep you safe on the internet?

What is a VPN and how does it keep you safe on the internet?

What comes to mind when you think of PC security? An antivirus that defends you against hackers and malware, or a Firewall that monitors suspicious internet traffic? These are multiple answers. But have you ever heard of a Virtual Private Network or in short a VPN. This plays an essential role in data security.

What is a VPN?

If you have worked outside the office before and needed access to corporate network files, you may have worked with this service before. But what exactly is a VPN? A VPN is a private network composed of a group of computers, or individual networks, over a public network. By establishing a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the VPN server, it not only protects users' internal privacy, but also allows users to access restrictive networks and access data from external data centers. Now you finally have an answer to the question; What is a VPN?

How does a VPN work?

An antivirus program can do a perfect job of keeping scammers and hackers away from your personal data stored on your PC. VPNs can be an excellent addition to an antivirus program, protecting your Internet usage and online communications from hackers and malicious people.

This transfer service uses tunneling protocols to create a virtual connection between the VPN server and your personal computer. A VPN functions as a temporary direct connection to the remote VPN Server and then uses a unique encryption key to encrypt the transferred information. All data traffic exchanged between the two networks in this session will not be visible to those who do not have access to the information sent. When the shared data reaches the receiving party, the encryption key decrypts the contents and reveals the contents of the shared file. Therefore, a virtual private network can safeguard users' online privacy, such as credit card and banking information, so that people with malicious intent, such as hackers, cannot read users' online data.

How can I shut down a VPN?

From Flexamedia we can help you with this. We provide total VPN solutions. Think of different devices for a fixed price per month. Interested? Contact us.

What is a VPN and how does it keep you safe on the internet?
What is a VPN and how does it keep you safe on the internet?

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