Web hosting Rijssen

Host unlimited sites with our Webhosting Rijssen

At Webhosting Rijssen we are committed to providing high-quality web hosting services in the Netherlands, with a clear emphasis on quality, reliability and the satisfaction of our valued customers.

Basic package

(ideal for a simple website with text and photos)


per month

✓ 10GB SSD storage
✓ Unlimited number of websites
✓ Telephone support
✓ SSL Certificate
✓ Unlimited data traffic
✓ Unlimited email addresses
✓ Unlimited MYSQL database
✓ Unlimited FTP Accounts
✓ Free WordPress (+300 scripts)
✓ Includes 30 days of backups
✓ Choose your own PHP version
✓ Cpanel
Web hosting Rijssen


(Ideal for a simple website with extra computing power)


per month

✓ 20GB SSD storage
✓ Unlimited number of websites
✓ Telephone support
✓ SSL Certificate
✓ Unlimited data traffic
✓ Unlimited email addresses
✓ Unlimited MYSQL database
✓ Unlimited FTP Accounts
✓ Free WordPress (+300 scripts)
✓ Includes 30 days of backups
✓ Choose your own PHP version
✓ Cpanel
Web hosting Rijssen


(Ideal for Webshops or heavy websites)


per month

✓ 30GB SSD storage
✓ Unlimited number of websites
✓ Telephone support
✓ SSL Certificate
✓ Unlimited data traffic
✓ Unlimited email addresses
✓ Unlimited MYSQL database
✓ Unlimited FTP Accounts
✓ Free WordPress (+300 scripts)
✓ Includes 30 days of backups
✓ Choose your own PHP version
✓ Cpanel
Web hosting Rijssen

Dive with me into the world of Webhosting Rijssen, the place where hosting services are provided with passion and professionalism. In Rijssen we recognize the importance of reliable, fast and secure web hosting for your online presence. We provide stable web hosting, with no downtime. is kept to a minimum and your website is always accessible

But web hosting in Rijssen includes more than just this. We also offer you the convenience of scalable storage and traffic. You can rely on our high-quality servers, supported by the latest technologies. Our servers ensure optimal loading speed, which contributes to to a better user experience and higher SEO rating

Furthermore, Webhosting Rijssen is strengthened by powerful support services. Our customer service is always at your fingertips, ready to answer all your questions. Whether you need advice about your hosting package, or need help with technical problems, we are ready to help you.​

But we don't just want to offer you the best web hosting in Rijssen, we also want to enable you to present your company in the best way. That's why our services are also equipped with email hosting. This way you have access anytime, anywhere. to your emails, with the convenience of professional email addresses linked to your own domain

In Rijssen, we believe in a complete and worry-free web hosting experience. From high-quality servers to support services, from storage to email services; Webhosting Rijssen has everything you need in one package. Enter the world of convenience, efficiency and reliability with Webhosting Rijssen.

Web hosting Rijssen: your all-in-one solution

If you want to start or move a website in Rijssen or the surrounding area, you are looking for a reliable and expert web hosting partner. We go that little bit further in our web hosting services. At Flexamedia we have extensive experience and expertise in the field of web hosting. We know what a website needs to perform well and meet the expectations of visitors. As we say: your online success is our top priority.

From the least technical entrepreneur to the most tech-savvy owners, we ensure that all your worries about web hosting, domain names and email are taken care of in Rijssen.​

Are you looking for reliable and professional web hosting in Rijssen? Then choose Flexamedia

Advantages of Webhosting Rijssen

With Flexamedia in Rijssen you can easily manage your own domain and benefit from numerous web hosting benefits

Full control with our own DNS management

Security with our DNSSEC

Lower costs with our cheapest options

Convenience and flexibility with easy storage expansion

Protection with included backups

Access to over 400 free scripts (including WordPress and Joomla)

Fast loading speeds thanks to SSD storage

Expert support via our telephone helpdesk

Free SSL certificates for security

Comfort with unlimited emails

Professional appearance with business email hosting

Domain names and the power of good web hosting

In addition to a good website, you also need a strong domain name. Usually, domain names are available from us from 8,95 euros per year. A strong domain name can greatly improve the findability and image of your website. We are happy to help you with choosing the right domain name and buy of a domain name.​

Also consider professional email hosting. This not only gives a more professional appearance but also offers additional options. How about setting up an email marketing campaign? With professional email hosting you make these and countless other options possible

Web hosting Rijssen: three tailor-made packages

Flexamedia web hosting in Rijssen offers you a choice of three different web hosting packages. The basic package, the professional package and the premium package.

The Basic package already offers excellent basic features, such as 10GB SSD storage and unlimited websites. With the Professional package you get extra storage and RAM and the Premium package goes one step further with 30GB SSD storage and 4 VCPU. These packages offer each has the same unlimited functions, the difference being in the amount of storage and computing power.​

Look at the webhosting page for more information about the packages and choose the package that best suits your needs

Professional Webhosting with Flexamedia

At Flexamedia we are ready to help you with all your questions and challenges in the field of web hosting, domain names and email in Rijssen. Call us on 085 902 67 00 or email info@flexamedia.nl for more information or help with making your choice.​ Your online success is our priority.​

Frequently asked questions

1. What is web hosting Rijssen?

The term 'Webhosting Rijssen' refers to the services we offer for hosting websites in Rijssen. This provides you with storage space on a server to store your website files, making your website accessible to users all over the world.

2. What are the advantages of web hosting with you?

We offer several benefits such as own DNS management, DNSSEC, ability to easily expand storage, free SSL, more than 400 free scripts (such as WordPress, Joomla, etc.), use of Cpanel, telephone support and backups are included. In addition, you can create unlimited email addresses with us

3. What are the prices for the web hosting packages?

We have three different packages: Basic, Professional and Premium. The Basic package costs €6,50 per month, the Professional package costs €10,75 per month and the Premium package costs €16,50 per month. Each package has its own own benefits and functions.​ Finalize your choice here.

4. How can I expand my storage?

You can easily expand your storage with us. It's a simple process where we can help you upgrade your plan to the next category. This provides more space and better performance for your website.

5.​ Are scripts included with the web hosting?

Yes, we offer more than 400 free scripts, including popular content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla. This helps you easily manage and design your website.

6. What is an SSL certificate and is it included?

An SSL certificate is a digital signature that secures the connection between your website's server and visitors. With us you get a free SSL certificate with every hosting package.

7. Can I buy a domain name from you?

Yes, you can buy a domain name from us quickly and easily. Choose your favorite domain name, check availability and follow the steps to register it. Buy your domain name here.

8. Do you also offer email hosting?

Yes, we also offer email hosting.​ Our email hosting service is perfect for managing your business email securely and professionally.​ Create your business email here.

9.​ What about technical support?

We offer telephone support to all our customers.​ You can call us if you have any questions or problems.​ Our goal is to help quickly and efficiently with any challenge you encounter.​

10. What is Cpanel?

Cpanel is an online dashboard that you can use to manage your web hosting account. It makes it easy to manage domains, databases, email accounts and more.

Need help taking out our Web hosting Rijssen?

Our experts are ready to help you order Webhosting Rijssen. Get in touch by calling, chatting or emailing.
Web hosting Rijssen
Web hosting Rijssen
Web hosting Rijssen