Need computer help in The Hague?
Are you having problems with your laptop or PC? At Flexamedia you get the best computer help in The Hague and surroundings at a relatively affordable price! Our skilled employees are happy to help you with the most diverse problems with your computer.
Computer help in The Hague
You can contact us for computer help, repairs and periodic maintenance. We repair various types of laptops and fixed computer systems in no time.
To ensure that the current problems on your computer do not repeat, we check both the hardware as software from your laptop or PC.
In addition to professional computer help, you can also contact Flexamedia in The Hague for the maintenance of your PC. This of course includes the physical cleaning of a laptop or system, but also, for example, the:
- Fix a slow computer.
- Remove viruses and spyware.
- Solve other software problems.

Personal data recovery
At our computer help service in The Hague we regularly see moisture and fire damage. Both factors can seriously damage your PC and laptop. You usually also run the annoying risk that your personal data is no longer readable.
Recovering data is also known as data recovery. This may be necessary if the data medium (hard drive, USB, SSD disk) is physically damaged. This often happens due to, for example, impact and/or fall damage to your computer or laptop.
You can contact Flexamedia for all kinds of problems with your computer. When in doubt, feel free contact up with us.

Our rates

At Flexamedia you will receive the most professional computer help in The Hague and surroundings. We offer our service and services at relatively cheap rates.
Below you can see exactly which service best suits your wishes and needs.
Hourly rate computer help: € 89.99
- Connecting internet cable/adsl
- Install wireless router
- Set up PC/notebook wirelessly
- E-mail Set up
- Remove Virus/Spyware
First remote help: € 12,49 (15 min.)
Windows reinstallation: € 65 (without backup)