015 request number

Do you want to request a business 015 number for a professional appearance?

Do you want to profile your company or service locally in Delft, Pijnacker, Den Hoorn, or perhaps in De Lier? Requesting a 015 number is a smart move! Not only does it provide a recognizable local image, but it can also appeal to customers from these regions who prefer companies with a familiar, […] Read more

€21 unlimited calls

Call out with 3 telephones

Unlimited calling The Netherlands


per month

Request your own number →

✓ Set up 3 devices & unlimited calling
✓ 100% installation assistance
✓ WhatsApp Business
✓ Call recordings
✓ Free transfer to 06
✓ Selection menu
✓ Welcome message
✓ Closing time
✓ Queue function
✓ Can be canceled monthly
✓ Smartphone App (IOS/Android)

Request your own number →

Unlimited calling Europe


per month

Request your own number →

✓ Set up 3 devices & unlimited calling
✓ 100% installation assistance
✓ WhatsApp Business
✓ Call recordings
✓ Free transfer to 06
✓ Selection menu
✓ Welcome message
✓ Closing time
✓ Queue function
✓ Can be canceled monthly
✓ Smartphone App (IOS/Android)

Request your own number →

Do you want to profile your company or service locally in Delft, Pijnacker, Den Hoorn, or perhaps in De Lier? Requesting a 015 number is a smart move! Not only does it provide a recognizable local image, but it can also appeal to customers from these regions who prefer companies with a trusted, local telephone number. Through the power of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), I can help you quickly and easy to use such a number. Whether you are a large company or a sole proprietorship, a 015 number literally connects you with your local customer base. Let us look at the possibilities together and ensure that you can be reached quickly on a 015 number” that suits your organization and needs.​

Why request a 015 number for your company?

If you are an entrepreneur in the Delft region, you know how important local recognition is for your customers. By requesting a 015 number, you not only strengthen the local presence of your company, but you also benefit from the many benefits that offers VoIP telephony. At Flexamedia we are happy to help you with this.​

The advantages of a 015 number at a glance

  • Local image increases customer confidence
  • Increased accessibility through smart forwarding
  • Professional image through advanced functions
  • Cost-saving thanks to unlimited calling and VoIP bundles

Step by step: How do you request a 015 number?

  1. Determine your package choice ” Choose between our offer of 21 Euro for unlimited calling in the Netherlands or 28 Euro for unlimited calling within Europe.​
  2. Request your 015 number ” Contact us on 085 902 6700 or email us at info@flexamedia.​nl to indicate your preference.​
  3. Personal settings ” Configure your VoIP services with our help, such as queues, music on hold, and opening hours.​
  4. Activation and number retention “We ensure a seamless transition from your current number to your new 015 number with 100% installation assistance.​

Increase your customer service with Whatsapp Business and 015

Offering support via WhatsApp Business can be a game changer for your company. And the great thing is, this can be perfectly integrated with your new 015 number! With this service you offer customers an accessible way to contact us, while retaining the functionality of professional telephone functions.​

Our VoIP services with a 015 number

When you choose a 015 number through Flexamedia, you get access to a wide range of features that will take your business to the next level. Here are some of the features we offer:

- Unlimited calling in the Netherlands and Europe: With our VoIP packages you can easily stay within budget while always remaining reachable.​

- Free forwarding: Flexibly and efficiently manage your calls on multiple devices

- Number retention: Effortlessly move your existing number to our VoIP system

- All key figures possible: In addition to 015 numbers, we offer the option for any desired area code

- All modules included: Enjoy functionalities such as position reporting and opening hours at no extra cost.​

- 100% installation assistance: We are ready to guide you through the entire installation process

- XNUMX-month notice period: Flexibility is our priority, which is why our services can be canceled on a monthly basis

- Apps for Android and IOS: Stay reachable wherever you are through our user-friendly mobile apps.​

With these tools you ensure that your company is always professional and accessible to both existing and potential new customers

Business professionalism with a 015 number

A business telephone number such as 015 provides a professional image to your customers and business associates. It shows that you are located in the Delft region and are serious about your business. A VoIP solution also helps you to work more efficiently. with customer-friendly functionalities such as queues and position reports.​

Are you ready to improve your company's communication with a 015 number? Request your 015 number directly from Flexamedia and experience the many benefits of our VoIP services. Contact us now for personal advice and we will ensure that you can switch quickly and without worries.

Most frequently asked questions about applying for a 015 number

1. What do I need to know before I request a 015 number from Flexamedia?

Before you decide to request a 015 number, it is smart to take a moment to consider the fact that a regional number such as 015 is directly associated with the Delft region. This can benefit your business and professional image if your target group in or around that region. With Flexamedia you can enjoy packages such as 21 euros for unlimited calling within the Netherlands and 28 euros for unlimited calling within Europe. Included are items such as an Android and iOS app, monthly cancellation option, free call forwarding and number portability. .​ All modules are included with your number, including 100% installation assistance.​ For the modern entrepreneur we even offer integration with WhatsApp Business.​ Additional functionalities such as a queue, hold music, opening & closing times configuration and position notification complete your telephony experience.​ And of course, suitable for both self-employed persons and small businesses. In other words, whoever you are and whatever your needs are, it is arranged in no time at Flexamedia!

2. How can I keep my current number if I switch to a 015 number?

Number portability is one of the major advantages when switching to a new telephony system such as VoIP. The good news is that at Flexamedia we make this process very simple for you. If you switch and want to keep your current number, we will arrange the entire transition for you. Your current clientele will not experience any problems, because you will remain reachable as they are used to. As soon as your switch to Flexamedia is complete, you can immediately start enjoying all the benefits that the 015 prefix offers you, without worrying about losing your existing contacts.​

3.​ Are there additional costs associated with setting up my 015 number with all the desired functions?

No catches here! At Flexamedia you get all the prefixes possible in the Netherlands as well as all modules including your 015 number. From setting your queue, adding hold music to configuring your opening and closing times; everything is included in your package.​ Installation assistance is also 100%, which means we fully support you in setting up your new system, at no extra cost.​ We want you to be able to get started with your new professional as quickly as possible telephone solution.​ And no worries about surprises afterwards, the price you see is the price you pay.​

Have you become curious about what a different area code could mean for you? Read more about applying for your own business number at Flexamedia and discover the possibilities!

Need help requesting a telephone number?

Need a regional number? Our experts are ready to help you with a telephone number. Contact us by calling, chatting or emailing.