Ideal Web Hosting

Need ideal web hosting?

Are you looking for ideal web hosting that not only makes your online adventure easy, but also a success? Welcome to us! We offer a platform where speed, reliability and ease of use are central. With us you not only get a place on the internet, but also a reliable partner who ensures that your website [...] Read more

Basic package

(ideal for a simple website with text and photos)


per month

✓ 10GB SSD storage
✓ Unlimited number of websites
✓ Telephone support
✓ SSL Certificate
✓ Unlimited data traffic
✓ Unlimited email addresses
✓ Unlimited MYSQL database
✓ Unlimited FTP Accounts
✓ Free WordPress (+300 scripts)
✓ Includes 30 days of backups
✓ Choose your own PHP version
✓ Cpanel
Ideal Web Hosting


(Ideal for a simple website with extra computing power)


per month

✓ 20GB SSD storage
✓ Unlimited number of websites
✓ Telephone support
✓ SSL Certificate
✓ Unlimited data traffic
✓ Unlimited email addresses
✓ Unlimited MYSQL database
✓ Unlimited FTP Accounts
✓ Free WordPress (+300 scripts)
✓ Includes 30 days of backups
✓ Choose your own PHP version
✓ Cpanel
Ideal Web Hosting


(Ideal for Webshops or heavy websites)


per month

✓ 30GB SSD storage
✓ Unlimited number of websites
✓ Telephone support
✓ SSL Certificate
✓ Unlimited data traffic
✓ Unlimited email addresses
✓ Unlimited MYSQL database
✓ Unlimited FTP Accounts
✓ Free WordPress (+300 scripts)
✓ Includes 30 days of backups
✓ Choose your own PHP version
✓ Cpanel
Ideal Web Hosting

Are you looking for ideal web hosting that not only makes your online adventure easy, but also a success? Welcome to us! We offer a platform where speed, reliability and ease of use are central. With us you not only get a place on the internet, but also a reliable partner who ensures that your website is always accessible. Thanks to automatic script installers, you can set up your website within no time. -time popular applications such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal on your site. We are ready with an expert and accessible team to support you every step of the way. Choose hosting without headaches and with the certainty that you have the best tools at your disposal. have access to grow. That is truly ideal web hosting and that is exactly what we offer. So, let's make your online presence unforgettable together!

What makes a web hosting service ideal?

  • High uptime guarantees ensure that your website is always accessible
  • Fast and reliable 10GB SSD storage for optimal performance
  • Unlimited data traffic, websites and email addresses give you the freedom you need
  • Free SSL Certificate for the security of your visitors
  • Expert telephone support from local experts from the Netherlands and Belgium

The power of automatic script installation

One of the most time-saving features we offer is our automatic script installer. This allows you to install popular content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal in just a few clicks. This service makes it a lot easier for you to start your website and manage, without needing in-depth technical knowledge

Support when you need it

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our team is available 24/7 to support you with any questions you may have. Whether day or night, we are ready to help. Think about help setting up your website, support with technical problems or guidance in expanding your services

Choosing the right hosting solution

We offer various hosting packages, suitable for both small personal projects and large business applications. From shared hosting to VPS and dedicated servers, we offer the flexibility needed to grow. And with our servers in both the Netherlands and Belgium, we guarantee fast and reliable hosting for your target group, wherever they are located

Invest in your online presence

A strong online presence is indispensable today. With our web hosting services you ensure that your website always performs optimally. We guarantee quality and offer competitive prices, even when you need expandable storage or special security measures.

Are you ready to take your online presence to the next level?

Buy your domain name from us today

and benefit from our expertise to build a strong, reliable and successful website

Reliability and safety as standard

We take care of your hosting concerns by offering standard DNS management and DNSSEC, with which we guarantee the security of your online activities. Choose Flexamedia, where an investment in hosting results in peace of mind, quality and a successful website.

Would you like to know more about our services or do you need help with your hosting choice? Feel free to call us on 085 902 6700 or email info@flexamedia.​nl.​ We are happy to help you with personal advice and support.​

And don't forget, with us you can start your new project with confidence, with one

secure and reliable hosting service

which is equipped with all amenities.​

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Most frequently asked questions about Ideal Web Hosting

1. What are essential features of ideal web hosting?

When you think of ideal web hosting, you probably imagine web hosting that is reliable, fast, and easy to use. You're looking for hosting with enough SSD storage for quick access to your files, enough RAM and CPU for seamless performance, and the ability to host unlimited websites. Not only that, you also want your website to be secure, so SSL certificates are a must. And of course, no worries about data limits, so unlimited data traffic is part of your package. Plus, access to a wealth of scripts to make your website dynamic and interactive. As Flexamedia, for example, we offer you all these elements in our packages to meet your ideal web hosting needs.

2. How does automatic script installation work for web hosting?

With web hosting, automatic script installers ensure that you can quickly and easily install various web applications. Consider, for example, WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. In most cases, you log in to the hosting control panel and search for the script installer, such as Softaculous .​ There you choose the desired script and with a few clicks your application is installed.​ The great thing is that you can do this within minutes and without any technical knowledge.​ At Flexamedia we ensure that you have access to more than 300 scripts that you can automatically install and use to enrich your website

3. What is the impact of web hosting on search engine optimization (SEO)?

Web hosting plays a surprisingly significant role in your SEO performance. Fast loading times, which are made possible by SSD storage and sufficient computing power, are rewarded by search engines with better rankings. In addition, uptime, the amount of downtime of your website, and the location of the servers is also important for SEO. An SSL certificate, which indicates that your website is secure, is also a confirmed ranking factor. Therefore, if you choose a web hosting package with Flexamedia, we ensure that your website is optimized with all these SEO benefits.​

4.​ Why is it important to be able to host unlimited websites?

The freedom to host an unlimited number of websites offers you flexibility and growth potential. Imagine that as an entrepreneur you want to start multiple online projects or you have multiple clients for whom you manage websites. Instead of purchasing a separate hosting package for each project, you can manage multiple websites with one package. This is not only cost-efficient, but it also saves you a lot of time because you can manage everything in one place. The Flexamedia packages give you this option; they are designed to grow with your ambitions

5. What are the benefits of Flexamedia as my web hosting provider?

At Flexamedia we understand that you are looking for a web hosting provider that offers reliability, performance and support without breaking the bank. That is why we have developed three different packages to suit different needs and budgets. With our Basic, Professional and Premium packages you not only get different levels of SSD storage, computing power, and memory, but also all the essential hosting features like unlimited data traffic, free SSL certificates, email addresses, and the flexibility to use more than 300 scripts.​ Plus, and find that Very importantly, we offer personal support to help you with any question or challenge you encounter. With Flexamedia you don't just get a hosting package; you get a partner in your online adventure.​

Need help taking out Ideal Web Hosting?

Our experts are ready to help you order Ideal Web Hosting. Contact us by calling, chatting or emailing.